Seeing the Vision
UPDATE: It was pointed out to me that even though I said my wife was adorable, it didn't make sense to write that. Well, there were supposed to be two photos of her here. They are there now, so be sure to look.
A couple of years ago, I stumbled upon a startup company that sought to bring quality eyeglass frames to consumers at about a quarter of the conventional cost.
Previously, if you needed single-vision lenses and picked out even somewhat modest"designer" frames, you were looking at a bill over $400. If you don't wear glasses, your jaw is probably on the floor right about now. If you do wear glasses, you know that I'm speaking the truth.
So, back to the startup company, Warby Parker. Now, they've been in business a few years, and have grown exponentially each year since inception, with stores across the nation. They have numerous frames for men and women with a shipped price of $95. That includes the lenses with a scratch resistant coating!
You can also do a Home Try On kit (#WarbyHomeTryOn), where they pack up your favorite 5 frames and ship them to you. You get to keep the frames for 5 days, try them on, model them and post them to social media sites for opinions of others. (I have something for you to do in a minute...keep reading.) Their employees will even vote on their favorites of your frame photos if you post using that hashtag or on their Facebook page.
In 2012, I bought my first pair of Warby Parker frames, the Willoughby. They have been fantastic glasses! I do have a scratch or two on the lenses, but they are my only set of glasses, and I have worn them daily for nearly three years.
Well, it is time to pick some new ones and I need your help (see, I told you). Please take a look at the photos below and let me know which frames you like the most. Inspect them carefully, because many of the differences in the frames I chose are minute. Leave a comment with the names of the frames you like, ranking them from best to worst.
NOTE: the name and color of each frame is in the button below each set of photos.
Bonus Round:
My kids wanted to get in on the action, so they got to try on the benson and the Nash. My daughter's face was way too small, so it was cut seeing her try to hold these up while smiling shyly. Also, my wife is adorable.